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Latest Tech Talk

Non-verbal communication thumb

Non-verbal communication is more honest than words.

The words people use can often be misleading, especially in the workplace. As leaders we need to know if our teams are feeling good about and are aligned with a project or if a job candidate is comfortable with the requirements of a position. The words people use can often communicate what they think we…

How To Improve the User Experience of Conversational Interfaces

How To Improve the User Experience of Conversational Interfaces

A conversational user interface (CUI) allows people to communicate with and control computers using commands based on human speech, voice or text entry, rather than the commands associated with traditional graphical user interfaces (GUI) such as buttons on a website or in an application. Examples include Siri and Alexa (voice assistants), chatbots (text interfaces) and…

Balancing Revenue Generation and Product Development

Most technology companies struggle with balancing revenue generation and product development at some point in their maturation, especially in companies that serve larger enterprises, where early customers are critical to prove traction, but also start to drive product development that fits their specific (and often unique) needs. CTOs are often asked to focus on providing…

Creating a Culture of Innovation In Engineering

Create A Structure Team members need to feel comfortable sharing their ideas and the right structure can ensure that they feel safe and empowered.  It’s imperative that you structure your culture of innovation by establishing a group that evaluates ideas, a process for submitting ideas and an incentive to submit ideas. Many organizations establish an…

CICD everything you need to know

The barrier to implementing CICD is people, not tech Organizations seeking to adopt continuous delivery will primarily focus on evaluating tools and improving working practices. This is important, but to truly embrace continuous delivery, organization management must ensure that their teams adopt CICD’s core principles: Architect the system in a way that supports iterative releases….

5 Ways to Build Team Cohesion Remotely

DevOps is a process, not a function or role. Measuring everyone by the same metrics is important. Engineering teams have a tendency to be “our stuff” centric. It’s important to have a holistic view and understanding of your production environment to ensure resources are working efficiently.

Remote work after COVID-19

Be Intentful The leadership in your organization should discuss what impact remote work has had on productivity and work quality during COVID, and if and how you want to continue this for all or part of your workforce as COVID subsides. Be Specific There are a lot of things to consider when defining your long-term…

Scaling team capability – the CICD angle.

How does that work with CICD, where the developers are empowered to go to production? DevOps is a process, not a function or role. Measuring everyone by the same metrics is important. Engineering teams have a tendency to be “our stuff” centric. It’s important to have a holistic view and understanding of your production environment…

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